Identifiers 2.0 RFC ending

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Mon Sep 14 21:19:57 CEST 2015

Dear IVOA,

The public RFC period for Identifiers 2.0 is... well... theoretically
over.  Now, I won't have time to fix the document until next week or
so, so your input would still be much appreciated.

The RFC page is on
(there's a link to the PR there).

Just as a brief reminder: The central "new" points are actual rules
for how dataset identifiers are to be built and a regulation how
protocol versions (and "kinds") are baked into standard identifiers;
that last bit in particular entails that versions are in there in the
first place, which hasn't been clear so far and hasn't been the case
for our most popular standard ids (SCS, SIAP, SSAP).  I claim there
are good reasons to change that practice (and of course existing
standard ids remain as they are until the standards are updated), but
I feel I should at least warn you.

So -- please chime in.


(who is wearing both his Registry chair and document editor hats for
this occasion, so don't be too confused I'm looking a bit funny)

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