SimDAL working draft official posting

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Wed Sep 9 10:23:35 CEST 2015

Dear IVOA members,

The DAL W.G. and the Theory I.G. are pleased to announce the publication 
of the version 1.0 Simulation Data Access Layer (SimDAL) Working Draft.
The document is available at the address :

Several reference implementations are planned. Anybody interested to 
publish simulations and numerical models in the VO who wishes to 
participate via other  reference implementations should contact David 
Languignon and / or Franck Le Petit, editors of the specification document.

Best regards
Francois Bonnarel and Marco  Molinaro - chair and vice-chair of the DAL WG
Franck Le Petit and Carlos Rodrigo - chair and vice-chair of the Theory IG

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