VO position in Trieste

Marco Molinaro molinaro at oats.inaf.it
Mon Nov 23 12:09:24 CET 2015

Dear all,
there's currently an open position (PostDoc) to work on VO theoretical data
services at INAF-OATs.
It's a 1-year (extensible depending on fund availability) position and the
candidate will work side by side with the IA2 data center staff.

The announcement (english version) can be found here


(Or here within the full list oa INAF-OATs job opportunities
http://www.oats.inaf.it/index.php/en/job-opportunities.html, bottom line,
DD 72/2015)

Application deadline is December the 15th 2015.
If you're interested, or know someone who could be, don't hesitate to
contact us.

    Marco Molinaro
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