TapHandle 1.7 released

Laurent Michel laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr
Tue Jun 9 15:55:18 CEST 2015

Dear all,

A new version of TapHandle has been released on today.

The new features are:

     * A better support of the Vizier table names.
     * A better support of table joins.
     * STC regions are either displayed with AladinLite or with Aladin through a SAMP connection.
     * Support of Datalink 1.0 (see Obscore tables on GAVO or CADC nodes).
       - Links can be redirected to a SAMP connection.
       - Custom services are interfaced with a form dynamically generated.
       - Cutout services are interfaced with the region editor I've shown at Banff.

TapHandle if a Web application allowing to access any TAP service with a simple browser.


TapHandle will be presented at Sesto (App II, June 17th, 11h-12h30)

Best regards

Laurent Michel
SSC XMM-Newton
Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 24 37
Fax : +33 (0)3 )3 68 85 24 32
laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr <mailto:laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr>
Université de Strasbourg <http://www.unistra.fr>
Observatoire Astronomique
11 Rue de l'Université
F - 67200 Strasbourg

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