Fwd: Apply to BigSkyEarth Training School

Christophe Arviset Christophe.Arviset at esa.int
Tue Dec 22 12:46:19 CET 2015

Dear all

FYI, not too many spaces for participants but in case you would be 
interested (and eligible).

At this period of the year, let me also send you all my best wishes for 
the new year 2016 !



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Apply to BigSkyEarth Training School
Date: 	Tue, 22 Dec 2015 12:29:23 +0100
From: 	Dejan Vinkovic <dejan at iszd.hr>
To: 	BigSkyEarth-all-members at googlegroups.com

Dear members of BigSkyEarth network,

we are organizing our first Training School open to the wider science community.
See below the open call and notice that we offer 18 grants (maybe more
if the budget allows) for applicants from BigSkyEarth member

Please, distribute this message within your professional networks and
encourage your colleagues (especially early career researchers,
including PhD students) to apply.

Have a great holiday season and very best wishes,
Dejan Vinkovic


Apply to the BigSkyEarth Training School

The Training School will take place at the German Aerospace Center
facilities in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 4-9 April, 2016. It will
gather around 30 researchers for hands-on training on Big Data
analytics in astronomy and Earth observation with six expert
instructors from the EU and the USA. The COST Action BigSkyEarth
provides grants to 18 trainees from BigSkyEarth member countries for
travel and costs of the school attendance.


Challenges are similar in astronomy and Earth Observation, with signal
processing, statistics, machine learning, and computer science as the
common denominator. The goal is to contribute with a valuable know-how
encompassing from sensor and data modelling, features extraction and
metadata, information representation, data structures, pattern
recognition, statistical/machine learning, data analytics, advanced
visualisation, to data mining and KDD. Besides, specific computer
science topics will be addressed as particular programming techniques,
data structures in large databases, cloud computing, and related
topics. The key aspect will be addressing all these topics in synergy
to set in a logical interdisciplinary framework building bridges
between diverse areas.

Eligibility Rules

Applicants can be PhD students or PhD holders from any country.
However, only applicants from BigSkyEarth countries and institutions
are eligible for the financial support provided by BigSkyEarth (see
the list of countries and institutions below). There will be special
considerations with respect to supporting COST policies on promoting
gender balance, enabling Early Career Investigators (ECI) and
broadening geographical inclusiveness.

Costs and Fees, Financial Support

There is no registration fee, but participants should anticipate costs
of travel, accommodation and meals. The estimated costs, besides
travel, are 50EUR/night for accommodation and 20EUR/day for meals. The
organizers can help with finding accommodation close to the venue. The
BigSkyEarth COST Action will provide 18 grants for selected
participants who are coming from institutions in: Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
fYR Macedonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy,
Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia,
Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom. Members of the Byurakan Astrophysical
Observatory from Armenia are also eligible for grants. Grants do not
necessarily cover all expenses related to attending the Training
School, but it should be enough to cover the majority of the overall
costs of travel, accommodation and meal expenses.

List of important dates

Deadline for applications: February 15, 2016
Candidate selection: March 1, 2016
Training School: April 4-9, 2016

MORE INFORMATION on selection criteria, how to apply, the programme,
list of instructors, etc. are available at:

Consider also joining the BigSkyEarth COST Action and become involved
in its activities.
More information: http://bigskyearth.eu

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Thanks in advance



Christophe ARVISET                       Christophe.Arviset at esa.int

Head of the Science Archives and Computer Support Engineering Unit
Science Operations Department
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
European Space Agency (ESA)

Camino Bajo del Castillo s/n
Urb. Villafranca del Castillo
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