UWS 1.1 Request for Comments

Brian Major majorb at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Tue Aug 4 19:20:48 CEST 2015


Just a reminder to all that the RFC period for the 1.1 revision of UWS will
be ending an a couple of weeks.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Brian Major <majorb at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca> wrote:

> Dear IVOA members,
> The IVOA Grid and Web Services Working group announces the start of the
> Request For Comments (RFC) period for version 1.1 of the Universal Worker
> Service Pattern (UWS) specification.
> We would like to thank Paul Harrison for all his work in authoring this
> version of the document.
> The proposed standard is available at:
>     http://ivoa.net/documents/UWS/20150626/index.html
> The RFC page is located at:
>     http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UWS11RFC
> The RFC period will run from today (June 30, 2015) to August 18, 2015.
>  (This period has been extended slightly to account for summer absences.)
>  Please make your comments by editing the RFC wiki page noted above.
> An initial list of 1.1 reference implementations of which I am aware have
> been added to the RFC page.  Could the authors of these please confirm
> their implementation by adding a comment?  If there are implementations or
> validators that I missed please add them to the lists.
> Cheers,
> Brian Major and Giuliano Taffoni
> Grid and Web Services Chair & Vice-Chair

Brian Major

Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Centre canadien de données astronomiques

National Research Council Canada
Conseil national de recherches Canada
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