SIAV2.0 RFC period annoucment

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Mon Sep 22 16:24:51 CEST 2014

Hi all,
     Thank to Mark Taylor the RFC page is empty.
     I also added our own author comments and a part of the discussion.
     In addition I got an oral comment from CSP chair : SIAV2 document 
should a litlle bit more oriented towards implementers
     I encourage data providers to produce their comments rapidly in 
order we can provide a new version before the interop and maybe go to 
the TCG review immediatly.
Best regards
Le 28/08/2014 18:15, François Bonnarel a écrit :
> HI all,
>     No comments have been produced on the SIAV2.0 Prfoposed 
> recommendation.
>     Lack of interest ? I cannot believe this ;-)
>     Vacation time ? maybe (it happened to me too .... ;-) )
>      Anyway I think it's time to have a look if we want to go to the 
> end of the process by Interop time
> Cheers
> François
> Le 31/07/2014 08:29, François Bonnarel a écrit :
>> Dear IVOA members and participants,
>>         After several months of intensive discussion within the 
>> Working Group the SIAV2.0 Working draft  reached the status of 
>> "proposed recommendation" more than two weeks ago.
>>         The latest version of the specification document can be found 
>> here:
>>         The "request for comments" period is starting today and will 
>> stop on Tuesday, September the 9th at midnight, immediatly followed 
>> by the 4 week TCG review period. If no serious issue is discovered 
>> during these two periods of comments and review, SIAV2.0 could become 
>> a recommendation at the fall interop time.
>>          You can find the RFC page there:
>> Good comments work and best regards to everybody
>> François Bonnarel
>> Marco Molinaro

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