'New Technologies' in Madrid

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Thu May 15 07:32:25 PDT 2014

Kirk, Ashish and Bob, hello.

On 2014 May 15, at 12:43, Kirk D Borne <kborne at gmu.edu> wrote:

> Further reading on APIs as a way if doing data's business....
> http://www.louisdorard.com/blog/building-a-business-around-machine-learning-apis

This is really interesting.

I look at one of these links, and get the first impression that it's a little service for folk who can't work out how to put an API on top of a CSV file.  Nothing to see there.  However, I then see pointers to multiple such services, and get the strong impression I'm missing something.  I'd like to know more.

@Ashish and @Kirk: are either of you going to be in Madrid?  Would one of you be able to give a quick overview of what these services are doing, why they're suddenly (it seems) fashionable, and what their significance is?  It needn't be polished or come to any conclusions, or even be much more than standing up and talking, but if it's about data and APIs, then the IVOA community should probably have some awareness of it.

We should probably keep further discussion off of the (whole-IVOA) interop list, so if anyone not in the To: list wants to carry on the discussion off-list, shout now.

All the best,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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