'New Technologies' in Madrid

Ashish Mahabal aam at astro.caltech.edu
Wed May 14 17:40:57 PDT 2014

Hi, Bob,

Here is an opinion: I had looked at it when you first sent it. It is good but somewhat simplistic in terms of the 'queries' one may be able to build around it (just based on the material on the website). For complex requirements, it is not clear if the process will be equally easy. But for simpler needs the API-making does seem fairly polished and something that could be used out-of-the-box.


On May 14, 2014, at 5:28 PM, "Robert J. Hanisch" <hanisch at stsci.edu> wrote:

> It would be interesting if anyone could comment on this...
> http://www.socrata.com/api-foundry/
> We need not invent everything ourselves.  When I circulated this amongst the VAO I got just one response.  Maybe one of our many tech-savvy folks could have a look at this and offer a critique.
> Bob
> On 5/14/14 4:58 PM, "Norman Gray" <norman at astro.gla.ac.uk> wrote:
> Greetings, all.
> This is the final call for the 'new technologies' session at the Madrid Interop.
> We currently have two talks offered at
>     http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2014NewTechnologies
> on the Oculus Rift, and on MariaDB (thanks, André and Kristin!).
> We have space for more: I find it hard to believe that the massed geekery of the IVOA has no other technological kites to fly, or shiny toys to speculate wildly about.  If you have topics you'd like to hear about, let me know, and I can try to pick on someone to talk about them.
> See you in Madrid,
> Norman
> ----------------
> Following on from the successful 'new technologies' session in Heidelberg in 2013 <http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2013NewTech>, we're having another one in Madrid.
> http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2014NewTechnologies
> This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA's future, or which may provide alternative solutions to IVOA problems, but which aren't yet at a standardisable stage.
> This might include:
>   * web developments (HTTP successors?, HTML5?, compiling to Javascript?)
>   * language developments (languages for natural parallelism?  what's next after Python becomes unfashionable?)
>   * database developments (nosql? biiiig data?  performance?)
>   * UI developments (game controllers? hands-free controllers? graphics cards?)
>   * ...anything else it would be fun to talk about
> We can run this as a conventional session, with a sequence of timed talks, or if there's more interest we can run it as a sequence of lightning talks, or an unconference (I'm happy to take suggestions on format, too).
> This session is on Wednesday, and therefore before the conference dinner; provocative proposals would suit very naturally!
> Please send me:
> * Talk proposals, if you have a technology you want to talk about, or start a conversation about.
> * Talk requests, if there's a technology you think we should know more about.  If you can suggest whose arm I should twist to give the talk, all the better.
> See you in Madrid!
> Norman
> --
> Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
> SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

Ashish Mahabal

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