Planetary and Solar System Sciences at IVOA

Baptiste Cecconi baptiste.cecconi at
Tue Mar 4 03:03:09 PST 2014

Dear all,

following a discussion at the Exec meeting in Heidelberg (May 2013), we have investigated how Planetary and Solar System Sciences could be involved in the IVOA (and vice-versa). The following online document is providing a list of possible items that could be discussed in the frame of IVOA, and that would enhance the interoperability concerning Planetary and Space Sciences. There are already a few IVOA participants involved, but feel free to add any comment or concern, either on the document itself, or to me directly.

Link to the document: 

This document will be used to prepare the "planetary" session at the up coming IVOA Interop in Madrid.

Baptiste and Christophe.

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