DataLink RFC period annoucment

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Wed Jul 30 23:54:43 PDT 2014

Hi all,
     Thanks to Mireille, Laurent, Norman, Pat and Sarah the datalink 
vocabulary for semantics of the links in DataLink is now available here:
    Please have a look when you review the spec.
Best regards
Le 04/07/2014 11:34, François Bonnarel a écrit :
> Dear IVOA members and participants,
>         After several months of intensive discussion within the 
> Working Group the DataLink Working draft has now reached the status of 
> "proposed recommendation".
>         Thanks to Pat Dowler's editing work (taking into account the 
> live ESAC spring interop discussions) and thanks to Sarah the new 
> version of the specification document can be found here:
>         The "request for comments" period is starting today and will 
> stop on Monday, September the 1st at midnight, immediatly followed by 
> the 4 week TCG review period. If no serious issue is discovered during 
> these two periods of comments and review, DataLink could become a 
> recommendation at the fall interop time.
>          You can find the RFC page there:
> Good comments work and best regards to everybody
> François Bonnarel
> Marco Molinaro

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