FW: VisIVO contest 2014

Robert J. Hanisch hanisch at stsci.edu
Tue Jan 14 06:26:24 PST 2014


On 1/13/14 6:21 AM, "Ugo Becciani" <ugo.becciani at oact.inaf.it> wrote:

>Dear Peter and Bob,
>we have started an international contest on the usage of VisIVO Science
>Gateway developed by INAF and already presented during the ADASS conf.
>As you well know our activity started in the VO framework.
>Considering that this activity is in the target to "enlarge" the usage
>of the VisIVO Science Gateway to scientists, research groups and
>technologists in any fields,
>we kindly ask you to disseminate this opportunity to all the mailing
>lists potentially interested in the contest, and other channels for
>event dissemination. Please circulate this call among students and if it
>is possible NVO mailing list and ADASS (if you can).
>We have also created a facebook page/event
>Please disseminate this link from NVO related facebook page if any.
>Thank you in advance for your collaboration.
>Best Regards,
>Ugo Becciani
>Call for a Contest (apologies for multiple copies)
>VisIVO Contest 2014
>W: http://visivo.oact.inaf.it:8080/visivo-contest
>E: contest at oact.inaf.it
>FB: https://www.facebook.com/visivocontest2014
>*Competition period: January 1st 2014 – April 30th 2014*
>The competition is an international call to use exciting new
>technologies provided by the VisIVO Science Gateway to produce amazing
>images and movies from multi-dimensional datasets coming either from
>observations or numerical simulations.
>Although VisIVO tools are specialized for astrophysical datasets the
>competition is open to all scientists and common citizens alike aiming
>to investigate datasets related to other fields, e.g. life sciences or
>The applicants should provide images and/or movies together with a
>report describing the employed datasets, the whole processing procedure
>and the results.
>An international committee of experts will consider all submissions
>(minimum 30 participants) for awarding two prizes which will consist of:
>1st prize : 2500 €
>2nd prize : 500 €
>Please circulate the announcement to your contacts whom could be
>interested to participate to the contest.
>Ugo Becciani
>INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania   Voice : +39 95 7332317
>Via S. Sofia 78                                Fax.: +39 95 330592
>95123 CATANIA (Italy)
>E-mail :   ugo.becciani at oact.inaf.it
>Home page: http://www.ct.astro.it/ube/becciani.html

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