
Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Aug 13 05:10:27 PDT 2014


On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 12:09:15PM +0100, Juande Santander wrote:
[on ivoatex]
> What is the license for this template? Can it be brought to GitHub, and/or
> CTAN? It would really be better if this template could live outside of
> volute, and one did not need to check out the complete repository if there
> is something one would like to propose tweaking.

CTAN probably is not the right place for this kind of thing (at least
not at this point), but github might be, and the license shouldn't be
in the way (it's GPL3 for what I did, and GPL2 for tth; there's a
file COPYING in the repo).

Having said that, it is my goal that no forks of ivoatex should be
necessary and all customisation can be done on top of the basic
distribution (this should help maintainability). Thus, it'd be great
if whatever changes individual documents need could either be fed
back upstream or be effected without having to change upstream.
This, incidentally, is another argument for the svn:externals
mechanism that ivoatex proposes as default.

And I'd also like it a lot if there'd be one repository only in which
to look for the history of IVOA documents, or at least not terribly
many different ones; right now, if I want to know if here's a
fine-grained changelog or diffs for an IVOA document, I just go to
volute and if nothing's there I know I'm out of luck.  I'd like to
keep *something* like this.

But I'm not bound at all to Google code (or subversion, for that
matter). However, since over the last couple of years it has worked fairly
well for those who used it, and there's quite a bit of stuff there
already I feel there's no overwhelmigly strong reason to move at this



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