support for document coordinator tasks

Ajit Kembhavi akk at
Fri Sep 27 22:39:24 PDT 2013

Dear Bob,

VOI could help with

   IVOA Document Repository

     Install and maintain document repository management scripts 
(eventually replace?)
     Process & postincoming document submissions

IVOA Website

     Host public website

     Maintain and update content as necessary

On Sat, 28 Sep 2013, Robert J. Hanisch wrote:

> At this week's IVOA Exec telecon I took an action to circulate a list of the various tasks carried out by the IVOA Document Coordinator (Sarah) with the idea that these tasks can be shared across IVOA organizations.  Sarah and I created this list and it is posted on the IVOA twiki:
> The IVOA Exec asks that all member organizations review this list and indicate their potential interest in taking on one or more of these responsibilities.  By dividing things up into related categories, the hope is that no one task is particularly onerous.
> If someone has expressed interest in a task, please don't hesitate to also express your interest!  The more options we have the more likely we are to find a good distribution of responsibilities and minimal impact on any one organization.
> Thanks!
> Bob

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