edu mailing list

Massimo Ramella ramella at
Thu Oct 17 06:51:57 PDT 2013


this is to advertise a discussion that is just beginning on the Edu-IG 
mailing list. It is a discussion that may be potentially interesting for 
several of you, and not just for those with a predominant interest in 
education. The discussion focuses on how to let educational resources 
(both data and documents) enter the VO world. We expect that  it should 
be interesting, for example, for the registry WG.

The starting point of the discussion is the proto-note available here:

Please, consider registering to the edu mailing list!
*edu at*


Massimo Ramella

Massimo Ramella
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
via G.B. Tiepolo 11
I34143 Trieste

tel. +39 040 3199 140

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