IVOA web resources - planned outage 10/21/2013

Sarah Emery Bunn sarah.emery at caltech.edu
Mon Oct 14 15:45:47 PDT 2013

Dear Interop,

Due to construction in our building, the IVOA website, wiki, and
mailing lists will be unavailable for a couple of hours next Monday
10/21 starting at 8AM Pasadena time. Sorry for the inconvenience!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Bartelt <mark at cacr.caltech.edu>
Date: Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 4:45 AM
Subject: major downtime Monday October 21st
To: all-cacr-users at cacr.caltech.edu

As part of the renovation activities in CACR's machine room,
our router (which, among other things, provides connectivity
between CACR and the rest of the world) needs to be moved to
a new location.  This is currently scheduled for the morning
of Monday, October 21st.  During that time, all systems which
are connected to that router will be unavailable.  This will
affect connectivity to all CACR compute resources, as well as
systems which aren't CACR's but which connect to our router.

Downtime is expected to begin around 8:00am, and things should
be back on the air by late morning.

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