FW: [AstroLib] LISA VII Call for Papers

Robert J. Hanisch hanisch at stsci.edu
Wed Nov 27 07:05:29 PST 2013

On 10/23/13 7:10 AM, "Eva Isaksson" <eisaksso at cc.helsinki.fi> wrote:

>Library and Information Services in Astronomy - LISA VII:
>Open Science - at the Frontiers of Librarianship
>hosted by the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte,
>National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF),
>Naples, Italy, June 17-20, 2014
>In a rapidly changing scientific information environment,
>astronomy has been a forerunner. Astronomy libraries have adapted and
>responded with innovative services to meet the demands of this
>Big Data, Open Science, are among the many challenges and opportunities
>that astronomy librarians face as they look ahead to the future.
>Come join us!
>The LISA VII Scientific Organizing Committee cordially
>invites you to submit contributed talks and poster presentations.
>Papers are solicited in particular, but not exclusively, on the
>following topics:
>Data librarianship; Research data curation and preservation
>        Training to become a data librarian or incorporate data
>           librarianship into your work
>        Librarians, astronomers, IT specialists: working together
>        Big data, future of data, catalogs
>        Data citation
>The future of libraries and librarianship
>        New roles for librarians
>        LISA: future directions for astronomy librarianship
>        Future of scholarly communication
>Metrics and visualizations
>        Altmetrics
>        Telescope bibliographies
>        Metrics based on ADS?
>        Author ID challenges (ORCID)
>Preservation of astronomical heritage
>        Science and Culture
>        Archives
>        When the past becomes the future: where will our
>           print collections be in 2050?
>Open Access and Open Science
>        arXiv, Zenodo, FORCE11
>Use and access of astronomical literature
>        Hacking the Interface to Information
>        The future of library instruction
>Journals and E-Books: the present and beyond
>        How to buy an e-book: mission impossible?
>        Electronic editions decoupled from the printed?
>        Enhanced journals
>        Future of publications: beyond the PDF?
>        Scientific content on devices (tablets, phones,
>           e-readers, what's next?)
>Virtual communities
>        Library spaces reimagined
>        Virtual and e-only libraries
>        New modes of outreach and work in a digital world
>Tools, techniques, and skills - know-how for astronomy librarians
>        Special session - Librarians teaching other librarians -
>           bring your skills and curiosity!
>The conference Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Chris Lintott,
>University of Oxford, famous for making astronomy more accessible
>through projects like Zooniverse, and his advocacy for Open Access
>Please submit your abstract with the abstract submission form at:
>Submission deadline will be 30 November, 2013.
>Please note that the SOC cannot guarantee that all submitted papers
>will be accepted and that it reserves the right to request that
>a proposed oral presentation be presented as a poster paper or
>vice versa. Notifications regarding accepted papers will be made
>no later than 15 January, 2014.
>The official LISA VII website is located at
>Information about previous LISA conferences can be found at
>If you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact:
>Eva and Andras
>Co-chairs, LISA VII SOC
>Eva Isaksson
>Helsinki University Library, Finland
>Eva.Isaksson at helsinki.fi
>Andras Holl
>Konkoly Observatory, Hungary
>Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
>holl at konkoly.hu
>Astrolib mailing list
>Astrolib at listmgr.cv.nrao.edu

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