ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG2000) note

Andreas Wicenec andreas.wicenec at
Wed May 8 18:36:31 PDT 2013

Dear all,

in preparation for the IVOA workshop next week a few people at ICRAR and the University of New South Wales have put together a discussion paper on the usage and potential benefits of using/incorporating ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG2000) into our IVOA standard to access multi-dimensional data. Obviously this is very closely related to the document Joe Lazio sent around and also shows that one of the claims (2D only) in that paper regarding JPEG actually is not valid anymore. We do believe and have also verified that JPEG2000, together with some of the extensions in the full ISO/IEC 15444 has a very good potential to cover most, if not all of the requirements for accessing and delivering large multi-dimensional datasets. It is an ISO standard already and implemented in many browsers and platforms and supports multi-resolution as well as lossy and lossless compression. 

With best Regards,
Andreas Wicenec (on behalf of the authors of the document)

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