multi-dimensional data white paper

Lazio, Joseph (335D) Joseph.Lazio at
Tue May 7 23:16:12 PDT 2013


In preparation for the IVOA Inter-op, the VAO has put together the attached white paper on the topic of accessing multi-dimensional data from the VO.  This topic will form one of the focus sessions at the Inter-op next week, and it has generally agreed to be one of the priorities for the IVOA.  The VAO is forwarding this white paper as a means of starting the discussion on the standard and the initial path toward a reference implementation of multi-dimensional data access.

See you in Heidelberg,

-- Joe

Joseph Lazio                                                          
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology              (o) +1-818-354-4198
4800 Oak Grove Dr.                                                                                      (m) +1-626-390-5370
Pasadena, CA  91109                                                                                  Joseph.Lazio at

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