Introducing FOREST

David O'Callaghan david.ocallaghan at
Thu Mar 28 09:22:30 PDT 2013

Doug, Rahul,

Thanks for the pointer to your work.  This looks like it could be relevant to FOREST. Our focus will be on the Observation ontology and data model.

Kind regards,


On 28 Mar 2013, at 14:41, Douglas Burke wrote:
> We - well, really Rahul Dave - worked on a set of ontologies for linking
> data and literature (via the NASA/ADS). Unfortunately the project ended up
> earlier than we would have liked, and I really need to write up what we
> did, but some information can be found at
> or you can contact Rahul (rahuldave at or myself directly,
> Doug
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Doug Burke                |
>  Harvard-Smithsonian       | Email:  dburke at
>    Center for Astrophysics | Phone:  (617) 496 7853
>  60 Garden Street MS-2     | Fax:    (617) 495 7356
>  Cambridge, MA 02138       | Office: B-440
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

Research Fellow - School of Physics,
 Trinity College, Dublin 2           Telephone: +353 1 896 3281

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