Introducing FOREST

David O'Callaghan david.ocallaghan at
Tue Mar 19 07:22:12 PDT 2013


I'm writing to introduce "FOREST", which is an ESA-funded project between Trinity College Dublin and Skytek Ltd. to develop a quick-look semantic search virtual observatory for heliophysics (for existing instruments and looking towards Solar Orbiter). A poster giving an overview of the project is linked below:

Our data model will be based on IVOA recommendations such as the STC, Characterisation and Observation data models. We hope to feed back suggestions to the IVOA  on any limitations we encounter when using these models for heliophysics so that future versions will be even more widely usable.

We are planning to ingest data from a variety of sources and formats (primarily FITS), and to use a RDF model to relate observations to characterisations, etc. in our catalogue. We would be very interested to hear about previous experiences.

We are interested in attending the upcoming IVOA Interoperability meeting in Heidelberg in May to present our progress and receive feedback from the IVOA community.

Kind regards,

David O'Callaghan, TCD

(cc: Peter Gallagher, TCD; Shane Maloney, Skytek; Paul Kiernan, Skytek)

Research Fellow - School of Physics,
 Trinity College, Dublin 2           Telephone: +353 1 896 3281

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