Workshop on spectral stellar libraries

Enrique Solano esm at
Wed Jun 5 08:32:32 PDT 2013

Dear colleagues,

In case it's of interest. VO is one of the topics.


      International Workshop on Spectral Stellar Libraries (IWSSL2013)
                    2013 October 14-17, Lyon ,France
Contact:iwssl2013 at

Libraries of stellar spectra are at the crossroad of different fields of 
astrophysics. In particular they serve as reference for the 
classification and automatic analysis of large stellar spectroscopic 
surveys and are fundamental ingredients of the models of stellar 
populations used to study the evolution of galaxies. These libraries may 
either consist of observed or theoretical spectra, and they vary by 
their spectral coverage/domain and resolution.

The goals of the workshop are to present the recent efforts in this 
domain and to describe the usages of the libraries.

The list of topics to be discussed is:
- The observational stellar libraries over the electromagnetic spectra 
(description of projects, selection of stars, characterization of the 
- Theoretical libraries (projects, physical background, line-lists, 
cross-calibration against observations)
- Characterization of stellar spectra (fundamental parameters, 
abundances, classification methods)
- Usages of libraries to study stellar populations
- Usages of  libraries in stellar physics
- Surveys (GAIA, RAVE, LAMOST, ..., their need for libraries, their 
contribution to building libraries)
- Dissemination of libraries and spectra (databases, archives, virtual 

This meeting is the second in the series started with IWSSL2011, held in
Delhi in December 5 to 10th 2011.

The four-day meeting will be organized around a few 40 minutes review
talk and a number of 20 minutes contributions and poster viewing.

Scientific Organizing Committee
France Allard (ENS Lyon, CRAL, France)
Coryn Bailer-Jones (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, 
Amelia Bayo (ESO/Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany)
Paula Coelho (San Paolo University, Brazil)
Hélène Courtois (IPNL,  Lyon 1 University, France)
Andreas Korn (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Claus Leitherer (STSCI, Baltimore, USA)
David Montes (Madrid University, Spain)
Philippe Prugniel (Chairman - Observatoire de Lyon, CRAL, France)
Harinder Singh (Delhi University, India)
Caroline Soubiran (Observatoire de Bordeaux, France)
Yongheng Zhao  (LAMOST, Beijing, China)

Registration fees
The registration fees to be paid before the venue will be 250 Euros.
They includes the lunches, tea/coffee breaks, the social activities and 
the conference dinner.

The organizers will provides grants to some participants, mostly to PhD 
students and young researchers, in the form of reduced or waived fees 
and/or provided accommodation.
Requests must be send in a separate mail toiwssl2013 at

Important dates and instructions to register
Pre-registration and grant requests until: June 15th
    The pre-registrations are now open on the web site of the conference,
    where requests for oral communications or posters can be posted.

Publication of the list of accepted contributions: July 15th
    The requests for contributions will be reviewed by the SOC and the
    will be communicated to the participants.

Final registration and payment of the fees: from July 1st to September 15th
    Online payment on the site.

Venue:  October 14-17



Enrique Solano Márquez
Observatorio Virtual Español
Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC).
Campus Villafranca.
Apartado de Correos 78
28691 Villanueva de la Cañada
Tel: +34 91 813 11 54
Fax: +34 91 813 11 60

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