EduIG @Hawaii Interop

Massimo Ramella ramella at
Thu Aug 29 02:11:38 PDT 2013

Dear Collegs

Interop Fall 2013 is approaching. As you may have noticed, there is
no official slot for EduIG in the program. This coming Interop is
a short one (3 days) and so the idea is that technical contributions
that are important for education will be presented during the most
relevant technical  sessions.

Since there will be an introduction and a closing plenary session
where WG/IG's will summarize present status and programs for the
future, it would be important for us of the EduIG to
know about these contributions in advance. In this way we will
be able to work out a better and mosre efficient introduction.

During the charge to the WG/IG's we will ask the audience if
there is interest for a short plenary discussion since, in principle,
Education is a cross-over topic that may interest people
of various WG's. If so, I think the POC will be able to
expand a little our IG summary to accomodate the
discussion. If you already know that you will be interested in this
discussion, please let us know.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards and see you soon

Massimo Ramella

Massimo Ramella
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
via G.B. Tiepolo 11
I34143 Trieste

tel. +39 040 3199 140

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