OGF Astro-VRC Community Group: first session at OGF36

R. Smareglia smareglia at oats.inaf.it
Tue Oct 2 06:46:26 PDT 2012

Dear All,
in following ( and attach)  a mail of my collegue about OGF Astro-CG 
meeting coming soon.

best Regards

Riccardo Smareglia


Dear all,

please find enclosed to this message the announcement of the first
meeting of the OGF
Astro-CG Community Group at OGF36, Chicago (US).

I apologize in advance if some of you receive multiple copies of this

Hope to meet many of you in Chicago at OGF36.

Best Regards,

Claudio Vuerli
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
Via G.B. Tiepolo 11
34143 Trieste - Italy
Tel: +39 040 3199 186
Fax: +39 040 309418
e-mail:vuerli at oats.inaf.it
skype: claudio_vuerli

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