May Interop May 21-25 at NCSA

Ray Plante rplante at
Fri Feb 10 11:04:52 PST 2012

Friends of IVOA,

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the 
University of Illinois is pleased to be hosting the May 2012 IVOA 
Interoperability Meeting.  This will take place May 21-25 (with the 
TCG and Exec Meetings on Sunday May 20).  You can find meeting 
information at

Follow the link to the "venue page" for information on travel and 
accommodations to make your plans.  

Registration is not quite open yet but will be soon; we'll send an 
another announcement when it opens. 

looking forward to seeing you in Urbana!
Ray Plante
LOC chair

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