Fwd: VO session at EPSC 2012

Pierre Le Sidaner pierre.lesidaner at obspm.fr
Sun Apr 29 23:47:42 PDT 2012


I just come back from vacation.
I would like to present the EPN-TAP the protocol developped by 
Europlanet to access planetary data as a complement of PDAP developed in 
the IPDA.
This protocol is based on TAP close to Obs TAP. I will discuss with DAL 
and DM to see where I could make the presentation. I have already a 
reference implementation using the GAVO framework (thanks to Markus 
support), so I can make a short demo.
So the protocol fit in IVOA DAL using the Core of Europlanet Data Model 


Le 18/04/2012 20:47, Sarah Emery Bunn a écrit :
> Possibly of interest to interop subscribers....
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: William Thuillot<William.Thuillot at imcce.fr>
> Date: Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 3:17 AM
> Subject: [ivoa-news-editors] VO session at EPSC 2012
> To: ivoa-news-editors at ivoa.net
> Cc: William Thuillot<william.thuillot at imcce.fr>, Gerard Chanteur
> <gerard.chanteur at lpp.polytechnique.fr>
> Dear Colleagues,
> Would it be possible to have the diffusion by IVOA of the following
> information related to a VO session at the EPSC meeting in Madrid in
> September?
> Thank you very much
> Best regards
> William Thuillot
> ********************************************************************
> Session "e-infrastructures and the VO for planetary sciences" EPSC 2012
> Convener: G. M. Chanteur
> Co-Conveners: M. T. Capria , W. Thuillot , C. Arviset
> A VO session entitled "e-infrastructures and the VO for planetary
> sciences" will be held at the European Planetary Science Congress 2012
> (IFEMA-Feria de Madrid 23-28 September) as session MT2 in the group
> "Missions and Techniques".
> Planetary scientists need efficient access to the best and latest
> available observations, laboratory measurements,theoretical or
> simulation models encompassing a large number of different fields. The
> aim of this session is :
> - to present an updated overview of the VO accordingly to the IVOA
> - to review the state of the art in interoperability following
> recommendations by international organizations like IPDA and IVOA,
> - to present available data repositories allowing automated search by
> requests from VOs,
> - to present VO projects devoted to, or of interest for planetary sciences,
> - to present science cases demonstrating the power of VO tools in
> planetary sciences.
> We call for papers. The abstract deadline is 23 May 2012.  You will
> find a description of this session and the abstract submission service
> at http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EPSC2012/session/11477
> ********************************************************************
> --
> =============================================
> thuillot at imcce.fr  William.Thuillot at imcce.fr
> William.Thuillot at obspm.fr
> Institut de mecanique celeste
> et de calcul des ephemerides (IMCCE)
> UMR 8028 du CNRS - Observatoire de Paris
> 77 Av. Denfert Rochereau 75014 PARIS (FRANCE)
> Tel.(33)(0)1 4051 2262 or 0621428440
> Fax (33)(0)1 4051 2058 WEB: www.imcce.fr
> =============================================
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                            Pierre Le Sidaner
                         Observatoire de Paris

Division Informatique de l'Observatoire
Observatoire Virtuel 01 40 51 20 89
61, avenue de l'Observatoire 75014 Paris

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