URI fragments in IVOA specifications

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Thu Apr 5 12:44:45 PDT 2012

Dick, hello.

On 2012 Apr 5, at 18:58, Dick Shaw wrote:

> 1. Though I understand your original motivation, to correct what you see as a problem with how URI fragments are used in practice, I think I would re-cast the content of your document more positively. That is, make the emphasis on best practices for usage of URIs in the IVOA context. Certainly there is a place for discussing caveats, but many potential readers will benefit more by seeing examples of proper usage than be being admonished about improper usage.

Ah, thanks for this.

I very much take your point, and agree that the current document does have a rather admonitory tone.  This is I think the consequence of the text having descended from a not-quite-objection I raised at an inconveniently late stage of the VOEvent approval process (the resolution at the time was to defer consideration of the issue to a later broader forum).

I'll recast the text over the weekend, to phrase it in the rather more positive tone you suggest.  Thanks again for the suggestion.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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