IVOA Note about Scientific Workflows in the VO - draft

Andre Schaaff andre.schaaff at astro.unistra.fr
Tue Oct 18 00:26:26 PDT 2011

It seems that the pdf is not valid.

The file is valid on our side, but if you have the same problem you can 
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Sorry for these multiple mails.


The first version of the IVOA Note called "Scientific Workflows in the 
VO" is available for comments.
We will have a discussion during the first GWS session on Wednesday 
We will also have the opportunity to discuss with people outside the VO 
community during the next ADASS (Wednesday evening BoF session).

As this note should cover several WGs and IGs we send this document on 
the interop list.

(a workflow at ivoa.net list is available if you want to follow the next 

Comments, suggestions, questions,... welcome.

Jose Enrique Ruiz and Andre Schaaff
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