updated IVOA web pages for comment

Andy Lawrence at ROE al at roe.ac.uk
Tue May 17 01:19:32 PDT 2011

Dear all

after an embarassingly long pause, we have made some renewd progress  
on the revised IVOA web pages. You can see the latest draft at


The wiki page holding comments can be seen here


Please do put comments and suggestions there, or email them to myself  
and Sarah, or just come up and talk to me at the interop.

You will see that most sections are properly drafted now, with the  
notable exception of the Deployers section. Bright ideas particularly  
welcome in that quarter !

    andy lawrence

Andy Lawrence : Regius Professor of Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
Institute for Astronomy,  Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill,  
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ
Email al at roe.ac.uk   /  Phone +44-(0)131-668-8346  / Skype anyxlawrence
Admin contact : Paula Wilkie 0131-668-8403 paw at roe.ac.uk
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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