R: Announcement about Workflow future plans

Andre Schaaff andre.schaaff at astro.unistra.fr
Tue Jul 5 02:22:39 PDT 2011

Hello Peppe,

On 04/07/11 12:29, Giuseppe Longo wrote:
> Dear André
> I believe this is a great and timely idea. I am very interested in
> contributing (and I also volunteer Massimo Brescia who has a strong
> Interest in it) in several aspects of the task.
> How do you intend to proceed?

We are waiting the end of this week to let people reply to the announce 
and then we will start a discussion with all the interested people.

As a Note can be exhautive and has not to focus on a particular point we 
think that it should be nice to have a panel (as large as possible) of 
the Worklow domain for the Pune interop. This Note should present the 
links with the IVOA stantards and perhaps the lack of standards.

And as said in the announce and depending on the real needs (and the 
priorities) of the VO community we should then decide in which WG/IG we 
could continue this work. It could be dispatched in the existing WG/IG 
(almost all the WG/IG are potentially concerned) or, why not (and 
depending on the Exec agreement) done in a dedicated Interest Group.



> Peppe

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