Meeting update, Decoupling Civil Timekeeping from Earth Rotation

Rob Seaman seaman at
Mon Aug 15 11:30:33 PDT 2011


Just working my way through the list of invitees to the UTC meeting with the appended update.  Apologies if you see this several times.  There will be impacts on virtual observatories as well as actual observatories.



Begin forwarded message:

> From: Rob Seaman <seaman at>
> Date: August 14, 2011 1:20:45 PM MST
> To: adass-announce at
> Subject: [Adass-announce] Meeting update, Decoupling Civil Timekeeping from Earth Rotation
> A reminder that the abstract deadline for the workshop "Decoupling Civil Timekeeping from Earth Rotation" (Exton, PA, 5-7 Oct 2011) is this Friday, August 19.  Click through to the very brief registration form (no payment in advance):
> Ceasing leap seconds will have a significant impact on the ADASS community, very likely including software that your institution, observatory, mission, survey or project relies upon.  Please consider participating.
> More details:
> The final vote will be in January 2012 at the Radiocommunications Assembly of the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva.  The Exton workshop will be the last chance to influence the decision while starting to plan for the Y2K-like fallout.  The International Earth Rotation Service has circulated the announcement:
> The program is shaping up nicely and will be released in a few weeks.  There will be a range of submissions from institutions such as the IAU, IERS and USNO as well as speakers from observatories as diverse as the Large Binocular Telescope, the Vatican and various astronautics projects.  And there will be a grab bag of other topics ranging from sundials and solar eclipses to celestial navigation and the 10,000 year clock.  We have just added another sponsor in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
> On the day following the meeting (10/7) there will be a talk by Ken Seidelmann (former director of astrometry at USNO) and tour of the analemmatic sundial at Longwood Gardens (  Ken provided its accurate calibration; the ITU's redefinition of Coordinated Universal Time would render calibration rather a moot issue for this and all sundials.
> In addition to our American Scientist article (, the current issue of Metrologia is dedicated to the topic (, and the British Royal Society is also hosting a meeting (
> The issue has gotten very hot after a dozen years on the back burner.
> Rob Seaman
> National Optical Astronomy Observatory
> Steve Allen
> UCO/Lick Observatory
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