Nara InterOp Meeting is now ready

M. Ohishi masatoshi.ohishi at
Mon Sep 20 10:13:58 PDT 2010

Dear IVOA members,

Next IVOA interoperability meeting will be held between 7-11 December in Nara, 
Japan. We have prepared the "Meeting Web page" at ,
and you can find travel information how to get to Nara. You can also make the 
meeting registration (and meeting banquet), hotel booking (we reserved 100 
single rooms) from this page.

Please note that the registration and hotel booking will be made through a 
travel agency, and you are kindly requested to pay for the room charge and 
banquet through this we page. It is our tradition there is NO REGISTRAION FEE, 
of course.

You may need a larger room when you plan to take your spounse and/or family, or 
you may plan to come earlier or to stay longer, please contact the travel agency 

Contact Address of the travel agency
Nippon Travel Agency Co., Ltd.
West Event and Convention Branch

2-4-24 Shibata, Kita-Ku, Osaka 530-8341, JAPAN
TEL +81-6-6376-6450
FAX +81-6-6376-6465
E-mail:osaka_gakkai at
In charge:Mitsuo Matsumoto (Mr.) / Taeko Miyako (Ms.)
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30-17:30 Japan Time
*Closed on Japan public holidays.

Hope to see you in Nara, the city of long history !

With best regards,
   MAsatoshi Ohishi, JVO

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