message from the IVOA Exec Chair

ppadovan ppadovan at
Tue May 25 04:51:49 PDT 2010

 Dear all, 

 as those of you who were in Victoria know, as of last Friday I am the new
 IVOA Exec Chair. 

 This short message is just to say that I am looking forward to working
 with you all towards the realization of our common goal, that is make the 
 VO a reality and a fundamental and transparent part of modern astronomy. 

 I would also like to encourage you to contact me if you have any 
 broad issues you feel I should be made aware of. 

 Best regards, Paolo

Paolo Padovani Phone: +49-89-32006478
Head, VO Project Office Fax: +49-89-32006898
European Southern Observatory WWW: [1]
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 E-mail: Paolo.Padovani at [2]
D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen


[2] mailto:Paolo.Padovani at

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