support to Italian research and education

Fabio Pasian pasian at
Thu Jun 24 03:40:17 PDT 2010

Dear friend and colleagues, 

sorry for this non-IVOA message. I'm actually seeking for your support to help protecting the Italian research and education system, which has become "endangered species". 

If you wish to give a helping hand, please check and, if you agree, you can give your support with a simple click. Thank you. 

All the best, Fabio

Fabio Pasian - Head, INAF Information Systems Unit
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste 
Via G.B.Tiepolo 11 - I 34143 Trieste - ITALY
phone: +39 040 3199180 - fax: +39 040 309418 
skype: fabio.pasian
e-mail: pasian at
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