Position at OCA (France)

schaaff at newb6.u-strasbg.fr schaaff at newb6.u-strasbg.fr
Thu Jan 21 05:57:22 PST 2010

A VO Project manager position is open at Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur 
in Nice.
If you are interested you can contact E. Slezak as mentioned in the announce.



     Project Manager position for Virtual Observatory developments

The Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (OCA) has decided to develop a 
numerical portal fullfilling the interoperability requirements related 
to the Virtual Observatory (VO) concept, with the objective to provide 
world-wide access to relevant astronomical and geophysical resources of 
its own.
Among planned VO-compliant services, one can cite several databases 
storing either observational datasets with added-values or results 
coming from simulations, as well as codes and softwares for analyzing 
and modeling data. To make this initiative a success, a two-year 
position is offered at OCA to an expert in developing and deploying 
applications on the web.

Acting as a project manager for the VO initiative at OCA, the expert will :
- develop the framework requested for implementing the numerical portal ;
- analyze the scientific requirements and transform them into technical
specifications ;
- work to make the different applications VO-compliant ;
- supervise the design and implementation of these applications ;
- identify and perform qualification tests ;
- provide internal reports and communicate results to international meetings ;
- participate to the evolution of the international standards.

Mandatory is a good knowledge on the following topics :
- languages for object-oriented programming like Java ;
- compiled languages like C, C++ or Fortran ;
- open-source databases ;
- web 2.0 technology ;
- hardware aspects (servers, networks, ...)

Will also be considered as advantages :
- the ability to discuss with the scientists and other engineers at OCA ;
- the ability to manage projects and work in a team ;
- communication skills for scientific communities ;
- fluency in english.

The position at OCA (Nice, France) is for two years, with a starting 
date as soon as March 1st, 2010 (negotiable). The net monthly stipend 
will be about 1870 euros (included benefits : health and retirement).

Applications should include a CV, a description of past activites and a
clear statement of interest in the Virtual Observatory project, as well
as the names and contact details of at least one reference. Applications
and reference letters should be either submitted electronically to
slezak at oca.eu or sent by standard mail to Dr. E.Slezak, Observatoire
de la Cote d'Azur, BP 4229, 06304 Nice cedex 4. Review process starts
immediately and will continue until the position is fullfilled.

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