New release of AstroGrid VODesktop software

Jonathan Tedds jat at
Fri Jun 12 05:36:52 PDT 2009

New release of AstroGrid Virtual Observatory VODesktop software:

The AstroGrid project ( is pleased to announce the 
latest release of the AstroGrid VODesktop, version This is a suite of 
desktop applications to enable astronomers to explore and bookmark resources 
from around the world, find data, store and share files in VOSpace, query 
databases, plot and manipulate tables, cross-match catalogues, and build and 
run scripts to automate sequences of tasks. Tools from other IVOA projects 
inter-operate with AstroGrid software, so you can also view and analyse 
images and spectra located in the VO.

The latest version includes new features and improvements, including improved 
descriptive information (metadata) for searching and filtering resources, and a 
new Multi-Query capability, for searching resources against a user-supplied 
list of positions, as well as for just one position at a time. There are also a 
number of bug fixes and internal technical improvements. AstroGrid Python 
remains at V1.04. The latest version of Topcat is V3.4-1, March 2009. Important 
changes are listed at .

The AstroGrid Project Team


Jonathan Tedds

Dr Jonathan Tedds,                          Tel: +44 (0)116 252 3502
XMM-Newton Survey Science, AstroGrid &
European Virtual Observatory Data Centre Alliance,
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Leicester,                    Email: jat at
Leicester LE1 7RH, UK 

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