AIDA vacancy

Jaiwon Kim jkim at
Tue Sep 16 01:29:38 PDT 2008

Dear all, 


In the context of the European Virtual Observatory effort AIDA the
German Virtual Observatory GAVO ( seeks an
Astrophysicist or a Computer Scientist for a position at Zentrum für
Astronomie Heidelberg, Germany. 


Development of services and technologies for the publication of
astronomical data as well as their preparation and documentation;
support of scientists interested in publishing in or using the VO;
cooperation with other European and international projects in the VO
area; organization of international workshops. 


* at least a Master's degree or equivalent in either physics,
 astrophysics, or computer science
* solid knowledge of at least one field of astronomy
* solid skills in software development (our work currently is based
 mainly on Python, Java, C, and SQL)
* proficiency in English and preferably German 


The position is for a fixed term of 24 months (i.e., until the end of
the AIDA project).  The compensation is governed by the German
Tarifvertrag der Länder on level E13 (between 2900 and 3500 Euros per
month gross). 

Please send your applications to Markus Demleitner,
msdemlei at, Mönchhofstr. 12-14, 69120 Heidelberg.
Applications in electronic from are highly preferred.  For further
information, send mail to the address above or call ++49 6221 54 1837. 

Best regards,
Jaiwon Kim

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