webcasts of Interop plenary sessions

Robert Hanisch hanisch at stsci.edu
Thu Oct 16 11:13:56 PDT 2008

Dear Interop colleagues,

  We have arranged to have the plenary sessions at the upcoming IVOA Interop
meeting webcast.  These are the opening plenary on Monday morning, including
the spotlight talks, the spotlight talks on Tuesday afternoon, and the
closing plenary on Friday afternoon.  Information will be forthcoming on how
to view the webcasts, both in real time or from the STScI webcast archive.

  To make these webcasts as effective as possible we need your
presentations, preferably both in PPT and PDF, available in advance.  As
usual, we ask that you upload them to the twiki and link them from the
agenda, but also, please e-mail copies directly to Calvin Tullos, the
webcast coordinator, at tullos at stsci.edu.

  Nic - we need to attach names to all of the spotlight presentations.  I
will be doing the NVO one myself.

  Presenters: please try to have your presentations available to Calvin by
next Thursday if at all possible.

And thanks to Calvin, STScI's webcast master, for helping us out with this!


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