RFC period extended: Registry Interfaces

Ray Plante rplante at poplar.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Sun Nov 16 21:56:34 PST 2008

Following a recommendation that came out of the October 
Interoperability meeting in Baltimore, the Request For Comment period for 
the Registry Interfaces specification will be extended until 29 Nov. 2008. 
We kindly urge all interested parties and especially IVOA Working Group 
chairs to review the document and enter comments into RFC Twiki page at 
Anyone without a TWiki account may instead send comments to 
registry at ivoa.net.

Please note the following,

   o  The reference for ADQL in the Registry Interfaces document is
      incorrect. The actual URL should be

   o  Inspired by comments from Noel Winstanley (see RFC page) and
      following discussion at the IVOA Interop, the WG agreed to "in-line"
      the relevents parts of the ADQL v1.01 spec currently into the
      Registry Interfaces document.

many thanks,

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