Summary of activities of VOQL Group since last Interop meeting

Pedro Osuna Pedro.Osuna at
Fri May 16 10:40:39 PDT 2008

Dear Exec,

please find a summary of the activities of the VOQL group since last  
Interop meeting (Sep 2007).

The group has mainly concentrated (as agreed) on the ADQL Document. As  
you can see, our estimation to initiate the RFC at the beginning of  
the year could not be fulfilled as there were issues under discussion  
that required our full attention. However, I am very glad to report  
that we tried to cope with all issues, and we managed to start the RFC  
at the beginning of March, allowing us to come to this interop meeting  
with a very complete ADQL document, which I am sure we'll manage to  
agree on.

I would like to thank from here the excellent work from the VOQL-TEG  
Group, and the people inputing comments to the RFC pages, helping us  
polish the latest bits of the document.

I have attached (in-lined), for your information, the relevant mails/ 
docs accompanying each of the milestones that I am describing below,  
should you want to look at them.

I remain at your disposal for any question you might have.

Best regards, and see you in Trieste.
Pedro Osuna. Chair, IVOA VOQL Group.


- From Closing Plenary presentation Cambridge Interop Sep 2007  

+ No major issues found; nearly ready
+ Inputs to the list expected next couple of weeks
+ Finalising agreements and wrapping up document by end of 2007
+ Beginning of standardisation process to be initiated Nov 2007
+ Definitive doc for approval ready before the end of the year

- Actually, discussions on inputs spanned November and December; very  
positive and interesting inputs; agreed on approach by January 2008

- VOQL Chair to VOQL-TEG asking to review ADQL doc on January 2008  

- VOQL Chair to VOQL-TEG saying that report will be given to the TCG  
on ADQL nearly-finished status (attached) and moving to RFC (25 Feb  
2008) (attached)

- distribution of latest ADQL to the VOQL-TEG. Announcement that it  
will be distributed to the VOQL general group (19 Mar 2008) (attached)

- VOQL Chair to VOQL general group distributing latest ADLQ doc to  
fulfill the 4 weeks asking for comments within the Working Group  
before starting the RFC (26 Mar 2008) (attached)

- Discussions within the Working Group of comments received (can  
distribute them if needed; see the VOQL mailing list)

- RFC initiated for ADQL (30 Apr 2008) (attached)



Attachment 1: Cambridge Closing Plenary

Attachment 2: Mail from VOQL Chair to VOQL-TEG asking for final  
comments on ADQL doc

From: Pedro Osuna <Pedro.Osuna at>
Date: 25 de enero de 2008 16:23:47 GMT+01:00
To: VOQL-TEG <voql-teg at>
Cc: Inaki Ortiz <Inaki.Ortiz at>
Subject: Latest ADQL doc and proposal for evolutioin
Reply-To: Pedro Osuna <Pedro.Osuna at>

Dear all,

there has been a great deal of work behind the scenes by Pat, Inaki,  
Jeff and Alex to try to define the Region, as we agreed some time ago,  
and during our last Cambridge meeting.

The process has not ben easy at all, but I believe we are in a  
position to expose to the whole VOQL community a mature document that  
could be proposed for PR in the coming month.

We are still lacking the text for the Region stuff within the  
document, which we agreed will be written by two native Enlgish  
speakers (Pat and Jeff) with support from Alex and Inaki if needed.  
Nevertheless, we do have a neat BNF (which is the most important  
thing) written by Inaki and Jeff, and this is what will form the basis  
for the ADQL.

I would like you -voql-teg- to review the document and give your  
comments, and whether you are happy enough so it goes to the general  
VOQL community.

I attach the latest document produced by Inaki and inline his  
description of the latest changes in the document. Please let us know  
your comments if any. I will call for a teleconf meeting once you have  
had time enough to read the document.

I want to thank here Inaki, Pat, Jeff and Alex for their hard work ont  
he Region issue.


Attachment 3: Information to VOQL-TEG that the Chair will report on  
doc nearly-finished to TCG

From: Pedro Osuna <Pedro.Osuna at>
Date: 25 de febrero de 2008 10:27:43 GMT+01:00
To: VOQL-TEG <voql-teg at>
Subject: Next TCG Meeting on Wednesday
Reply-To: Pedro Osuna <Pedro.Osuna at>

Dear all,

next Wednesday, there will be a TCG teleconf where I will report on  
the status of the VOQL group.

I will say that we are near to completion, and that very soon a  
finalised ADQL standard (with the region text and a possible  
implementation from Benjamins comments) will be distributed to the  
whole VOQL group, and then start the standard RFC period.

Just for your information.


Attachment 4: mail to VOQL-TEG asking for review of latest ADQLdoc to  
be distributed openly to VOQL group

From: Pedro Osuna <Pedro.Osuna at>
Date: 19 de marzo de 2008 10:50:59 GMT+01:00
To: VOQL-TEG <voql-teg at>
Cc: Pedro Osuna <pedro.osuna at>
Subject: Latest ADQL Document version
Reply-To: Pedro Osuna <Pedro.Osuna at>

Dear all,

please find attached the latest version of the ADQL document.

This version will be distributed to the overall VOQL group next  
Tuesday, after the Easter Holidays, and is intended to be the final  
version for an eventual Proposed Recommendation.

It includes a vast amount of work done on the Region definition mainly  
by Pat Dowler, Jeff Lusted, Alex Szalay and Inaki Ortiz. I just wanted  
to publicly thank them for this huge effort.

Please read the document in detail, and let us know if you have any  
comment. In any case, after it goes to the VOQL group we will still be  
able to do minor changes on it.

Thanks very much.

Attachment 5: Announcement of latest ADQL within the global VOQL  
community to receive comments during 4 weeks
From: Pedro Osuna <Pedro.Osuna at>
Date: 26 de marzo de 2008 11:14:01 GMT+01:00
To: voql at
Subject: Latest ADQL Document and roadmap for Proposed Recommendation

Dear all,

please find attached the latest ADQL Document version produced by the  

I would like to start the formal RFC period in around 3-4 weeks from  
now, so should you have any comments by now, please let us know as  
soon as possible.

The formal RFC spans for another 4 weeks, so if everything goes well  
we would be able to have the ADQL Document as a Proposed  
Recommendation just by the next interop meeting at Trieste.

I would like to thank thoroughly the VOQL-TEG group for their effort  
in this specification, but very specially Pat Dowler, Jeff Lusted,  
Alex Szalay and Inaki Ortiz for the very tough work during the latest  
steps in concluding the ADQL Doc.

Should you have any comments, please don't hesitate to send them.



Attachment 6: Announcement of RFC for ADQL

From: Pedro Osuna <Pedro.Osuna at>
Date: 30 de abril de 2008 17:31:10 GMT+02:00
To: interop at
Bcc: Inaki Ortiz de Landaluce <Inaki.Ortiz at>, Aurelien  <Aurelien.Stebe at 
 >, Jesus Salgado <jesus.salgado at>, Christophe Arviset <Christophe.Arviset at 
Subject: RFC initiated for Astronomical Data Query Language

The Astronomical Data Query Language document is now an IVOA
Proposed Recommendation.  A 1-month Request For Comments period
has been initiated, with the goal of advancing ADQL to an IVOA

A 1-month Request For Comments period on the draft ADQL V2.0
specification has therefore been initiated.  Please review the
specification, and add any comments to the RFC page at

More extensive discussions should be directed to the VOQL working
group mailing list (voql at  The most recent version of the
ADQL specification can be found at

Please submit any comments by 30 May 2008.  Thanks in advance for
your contributions.

Pedro Osuna.
Chair,  IVOA VO Query Language Working Group

Pedro Osuna Alcalaya

European Space Agency (ESA)
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
Science Operations Department (SCI-O)
Science Archives and Computer Support Engineering Unit (SCI-OE)
e-mail: Pedro.Osuna at
Tel + 34 91 813 13 14    Fax: +34 91 813 11 72
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
P.O. Box 78
E-28691 Villanueva de la Cañada

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