KML special session at IVOA Trieste

Roy Williams roy at
Mon Mar 31 09:37:02 PDT 2008

There will be a special session on KML at the IVOA Interop meeting, 90 
minutes and chaired by me, and I am soliciting input and suggestions, 
getting together birds-of-a-feather for this KML interest group.

KML is the language used for adding content to Google Sky -- although 
most applications are rather for Google Earth. The language has been 
controlled by Google for a long time, but is now controlled by the Open 
Geospatial Consortium (*), who have recently released KML version 2.2.

The IVOA Exec has decided that astronomers as well as geographers have 
an interest in KML, and our session at the Interop will be a discussion 
of what that interest is, as well as some demonstrations and 
presentations of what astronomers have done with KML and Google Sky.

THEREFORE, please contact me if you would like to play a part in this 
discussion, if:

-- You are technically familiar with KML and would like to be part of 
the discussion.
-- You think KML needs to be improved for astronomy and you have 
specific suggestions.
-- You have built a Google Sky mashup, and you would like 15 minutes to 
show it to the KML discussion.
-- You know how to use Google Sky for professional research astronomy.
-- You have strong opinions on KML.

Please indicate if you will also be in Trieste ...
Thank you

(*) KML at OGC


California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670

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