IVOA Exec Meeting Highlights

Dave DeYoung deyoung at noao.edu
Thu Jan 24 21:45:12 PST 2008

Thank you, Vince.  You are correct; there was an error in
the URL I sent.  Interested parties should use the URL
given below.

Best regards,


  Vincent.McIntyre at csiro.au wrote:
>>  VO informational material, tutorials, and introductory
>>  presentations has been established.  The page may be
>>  found at:
>>  http://ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/TrainingMaterialsAndPresentations
> This link didn't work, but I think I found it at
> http://ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/TrainingMaterialsAndPresentations
> Cheers
> Vince

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