next generation of Sky in Google Earth

Alasdair Allan aa at
Tue Jan 22 05:49:05 PST 2008

Tony Linde wrote:
> Might be good to get a position paper out on how the VO works with  
> Google
> Sky and, more importantly, the ways in which GS makes the VO effort  
> more
> important: enabling a much higher focus to academic astronomy via  
> GS. Could
> make a good appendix to funding proposals.

We have two very obvious examples to push; the real time VOEvent feed 
(s) into Google Sky via VOEventNet and eSTAR, and the PLASTIC- 
enabling of Google Sky, which makes it accessible from other VO  
tools... and crucially allows you to push any VO data you want from  
the backend vis our middleware into Google Sky for visualisation.

What journal though, PASP perhaps? Or A&A... I don't think MNRS or  
ApJ would take it?


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