next generation of Sky in Google Earth

Alasdair Allan aa at
Tue Jan 22 05:42:27 PST 2008

Roy Williams wrote:
> The common denominator between the two efforts is the KML language,  
> whose definition is now dominated by the geospatial community. If  
> KML is to become a standard interchange format in astronomy also,  
> it would be good if the astronomical community had a seat at the  
> table when future versions are defined.

I think we can virtually guarantee that KML is going to become a  
standard in the astronomical community. It needs some extension, but  
crucially these extensions have to be kept simple and (crucially I  
think) light weight (and if possible useful outside astronomy).

Google has given us a new IVOA standard, it's KML, and we'd better  
get used to the idea.  Possibly the IVOA should accept the status quo  
and officially adopt it. It might give us a (very) little bit more  


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