Highlights of 27 September Exec Meeting

Dave DeYoung deyoung at noao.edu
Wed Oct 3 15:53:13 PDT 2007

Dear IVOA Interop Members;

One outcome of the recent IVOA Assessment is an effort to
improve internal communication within the IVOA.  As a
result of this, we have decided to circulate to everyone
some highlights of the IVOA Exec meetings shortly after
they occur, so the all the IVOA knows what actions have
been taken by the Exec.  Below I list some highlights from
the Exec meeting held in Cambridge last week.

Perhaps the most significant highlight was the formal
acceptance by the Exec of eight new standards.  They are:
Simple Cone Search
Spectrum Data Model
Space Time Coordinates
Characterisation Data Model
Simple Spectral Access
Single Sign-On
Getting all of these ready for Exec approval required an
enormous amount of work on the part of all the WG members,
the WG Chairs, and the TCG.  Our thanks to all of you for
your untiring efforts on behalf of the IVOA.

Other highlights:
- The Exec created a Standards and Process group as a
   Standing Committee of the Exec.  This committee will
   refine the standards process and propose modifications
   if they are needed.  The committee will also develop
   procedures for new processes such as a "maintenance
   mode" for WGs.

- The Exec asked the TCG to create a draft document that
   describes the scope and definition of how the TCG 
   function in the future.

- The Exec discussed the impact of Google Sky and its
   possible integration into IVOA activities.  Due to the
   recent arrival of Google Sky, the Exec will review this
   issue in the near future.

- The Exec reviewed possible VO participation in the next
   IAU GA. There will probably be a short VO related 
   under the auspices of Commission 5; larger scale
   participation may occur if a current proposal for a 3
   day symposium is approved.

- Possible new IVOA members were discussed and the status
   of VO activities in other countries was reviewed.  No
   action was required at this time.

- The Exec discussed the growing demand for VO related
   training and introductory programs.  It was decided to
   establish a page on the IVOA web pages that contains
   pointers to information and resources on this topic.

- The next Exec meeting will be a telecon in mid-January

The full minutes of this meeting will soon be posted on 
IVOA website.  Out thanks to all who contributed to this
successful IVOA Interop meeting in Cambridge, and special
thanks go to Nic Walton for his flawless organization of
the local arrangements.

Best wishes,

Dave De Young
IVOA Chair

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