IVOA Assessment and Roadmap Report (draft)

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Wed May 9 07:00:11 PDT 2007

Each year, the IVOA Technical Coordination Group has produced a report 
"Assessment and Future Roadmap", and the draft report for 2007 is 
attached. This TCG is the union of all the Working Group chairs and 
Interest Group chairs and vice-chairs, and they have been a major part 
of the production of this report.

There are 16 specific recommendations in pages 4 thru 7.

The TCG is hoping to refine the content during the Beijing meeting, and 
issue a final version shortly thereafter. But there is a lot going on in 
the IVOA, and it is difficult to capture the hot issues in a few pages, 
therefore and I/we will need to be helped by all of the IVOA delegates 
in stating things correctly. Please help with your email comments --  to 
me and wgchairs and igchairs and/or the relevant working group. Please 
do *not* "Reply-All* on this message to the whole "interop" alias, it is 
a wide distribution!

Roy Williams
Chair, IVOA Technical Coordination Group

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