RFC period for Characteristion DM has finished

Mireille Louys louys at newb6.u-strasbg.fr
Thu Jul 5 06:15:05 PDT 2007

Dear IVOA members,

The RFC period for comments for the Characterisation Data model ended 
yesterday, after 5 weeks .
This Data Model took quite a long time to get mature, and has been 
presented in Interop meetings at
different stages.
People interested gave their comments and provided good hints all along 
the different development phases.

  Its scope has been divided to provide two versions of the Model:
- the current 1.11 version for data queries and all purpose data analysis
- the next version will describe more refined metadata for complex 
observations, sensitivity functions,
resolution variations , etc...

Comments on the RFC page are not numerous but I do not want to delay the
recommendation process any longer.

It is time for me to pass it to the TCG group to review the document.

Thanks ,
Mireille Louys, DM Chair


  Mireille LOUYS          mailto: Mireille.Louys at astro.u-strasbg.fr

L S I I T                       &     CDS,
Ecole Nationale Superieure            Observatoire de Strasbourg
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