Aladin release 4 announcement

Pierre Fernique fernique at
Thu Feb 22 06:01:27 PST 2007

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce Aladin release 4

It integrates the following new points:

* Big image support: ex: 20000x20000x64bits with a 1.5 GB RAM machine
* FITS cube support: for displaying cubes
* Plugins: extend Aladin by yourself
* PLASTIC integration: allowing interoperability between other PLASTIC
   compatible application (VOSpec, TOPcat...)
* IDL library: for controlling Aladin from IDL
* Macros: useful for repeating a sequence of actions
* Ecliptic: Ecliptic coordinate frame support
* WCS keywords in JPEG: for JPEG astrometrical solutions
* OS Drag & Drop: for easily importing data from the OS desktop into
   Aladin panels
* Mouse wheel support: for zooming
* Pan tool: for panning, especially in large images
* FITS XY linear support: for displaying not only the sky images (ex:
   solar images...)
* Sextractor: interface to Sextractor (running at CDS)
* CADC: Aladin offers access to the CADC (Canadian Astronomical Data
* CAI: Aladin offers access to the ESO-R MAMA scans from CAI (Paris)
* Chinese language: Chinese translation

Pierre Fernique

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