IVOA Assessment (form due by March 4)

Francoise Genova genova at cluster.u-strasbg.fr
Wed Feb 14 01:03:20 PST 2007

Dear colleagues,

The IVOA Executive concluded during its August 2006 meeting at the
Prague IAU that it is now appropriate to review the functioning and
goals of the IVOA. There are two primary reasons for this: 1) the IVOA
has been in existence for about 5 years, and it is time to make sure
that the IVOA is on the right track and working effectively; and 2) many
IVOA member projects are transitioning from development to operations,
and it is necessary to make sure that the IVOA will accommodate their
changing needs.

We are soliciting comments from the entire IVOA community on all aspects
of the IVOA. The Assessment form is at


The questions are intended to solicit your thoughts on all aspects of
IVOA functions. You may of course select the topics on which you
want to send your views, raise additional questions and contribute
comments on any additional topic.

Your form will be read by the IVOA Board Chair and Vice-chair 
(the two of us). You have several options about what will be 
done with your comments. You also have the option to 
remain anonymous or to identify yourself.

A first discussion of the assessment results will be held at the
next IVOA Exec telecon (March 8th). Please
send your contribution as soon as possible. We need the forms
BY MARCH 4th so that we can have a first look at them
before the Exec telecon.

Feel free to contact us if you need any clarification about 
the form or the assessment process.

Francoise & Dave

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