Fwd: How you can Help Search for Jim Gray

Masatoshi OHISHI masatoshi.ohishi at nao.ac.jp
Sat Feb 3 04:16:18 PST 2007

Hi IVOA people,

I would forward en email from the PRAGMA community on Jim Gray.
I hope some of you join the help search.


 >Cc: Charlie Catlett <catlett at mcs.anl.gov>
 >From: Catlett Charlie <catlett at mcs.anl.gov>
 >Subject: How you can Help Search for Jim Gray
 >Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 21:21:31 -0600
 >Dear Pragma Friends-
 >Some of you may know Jim Gray, a very well known computer scientist
 >from Microsoft and a friend to many of us.  On Sunday he was sailing
 >in the Pacific off the coast of San Francisco and he has gone
 >missing.  The coast guard searched for 4 days and found no trace of
 >Jim or his 40 foot boat.
 >Many of Jim's friends have worked with various satellite and aerial
 >imaging sources to collect images from this week, and images will
 >continue to come in over the next few days as well.  There is a site
 >set up by Amazon that allows you to search image tiles - there is a
 >lot of imagery to search.  This site enables thousands of people to
 >help with the search.
 >If you are interested in helping, please go to the website below and
 >sign up for an Amazon Mechanical Turk account (it does not cost
 >Best Regards-
 >Help Search:
 >Background Information:

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